Cooperation of Parents

  • Parents and guardians are expected to co operate with the vidyalaya authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline , help their children to prepare their lessons and study well.
  • All the efforts made by the teachers with regard to pupil’s improvement can bear fruit only with the co operation and support of the parents.
  • Parents should ensure that :
  • Children attend school in the prescribed uniform and with the required materials.
  • Children get enough time at home for preparing their lessons and doing their assignments.
  • They get some time to talk with their parents
  • Fees is paid as per schedule.
  • Private tuitions are discouraged.
  • Parents are requested to cooperate with the teachers. They are recommended to contact the teachers concerned occassionaly, with the prior permission of the principal. Parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms or staff rooms to mmet the teachers. Teachers will not entertain any parents while they are engaged intheir duties.
  • Parents requested not to compare a child with another as the students are of diiferent backgrounds, abilities and interests.
  • It is quite natural that at times children may take complaints to their parents concerning school matters. Parents have to bring such cases to the notice of the principal and the class teacher before coming to any hasty conclusions.
  • It is upto the parents to bring to the attention of the principal and the teachers if their children have bad habits of traits of socially unacceptable character or any other matters that need special care and attention.
  • Parents are requested to check diary and SMS on all working days.
  • Parents should check school bag regularly to see any material that are not of your ward. If it is found report to the principal immediately.
  • All payments should be made in the office and receipts should be obtained retained by the parents. No accounts will be settled unless receipts are produced.
  • If the children are to be taken home after the class with the persons other than their parents or guardians, identity card should be produced along with an authorization letter.
  • Change of pick up points will not be entertained without a written permission from the Principal
  • Parents are requested not to send any non vegetarian food for luch.