Class Tuition fee
Nursery 1025
Ist to IInd std 1250
IIIrd to Vth Std 1335
VIth to VIIIth Std 1600
IXth and Xth Std 1900
XI & XII Std 2350

  • The school hours are from 9.30 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.
  • The students shall reach the school before the 2nd bell at 9.20 A.M.
  • Students shall bring their school diary every day.
  • An identity card will be issued to each student and he/she must wear It every day.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, lack of interest in study, dishonesty, use of obscene words or acts of serious misconduct in or outside the school are sufficient reasons for removal from the school rolls.
  • Any damage done to the school property or to that of other students will have to be compensated.
  • Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the class.
  • No books, other than school books must be brought to the school.
  • Report on conduct and the monthly report on studies have to be signed by parents or guardians.
  • LEAVE is granted only on sound reasons and that too on application by the guardians. (See leave note in the Diary)
  • Students who are absent for the terminal examinations for any reason, other than sickness, supported by a doctor’s certificate, will be considered failed in that particular examination.
  • In special circumstances an application for leave shall be submitted directly to the Principal.
  • Promotions are granted on the basis of marks obtained in the Periodic tests and annual examination.
  • The students would also be assessed and graded upon life skill, attitude and values. The participation in school activities and the voluntary works done by the student will also be reflected in the performance Record.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline of their wards and in inculcating the habit of hard work and systematic learning.
  • Parents shall sign the progress reports, examination reports or any other reports when so requested.
  • Parents are advised to peruse the student’s diary for any information from the school and also check their note books and see that their children do their home-work noted in them.
  • Parents shall inform the school of the change of address and Telephone Number.
  • Parents, guardians of others are not allowed to meet their children or meet the teachers during the school hours without the permission from the Principal.
  • Entry to the school buildings is permitted only to staff and students. Parents/guardians shall meet their wards only with the permission of the authorities. However the school buildings except school office are out of bound for the parents/guardians.
  • Reasonable complaints can be brought to the notice of the authorities.
  • Parents/guardians shall refrain from making unwanted remarks about the members of the staff in the presence of their children.
  • Kindly make it convenient to be present for the parent-teachers meeting whenever it is called for.
  • Parents/guardians are always welcome to the school to check up the progress of their children but shall never be a hindrance to the regular working of the school.
  • Leave after the commencement of the working hours is not permitted. Absenteeism shall be for a particular session or both sessions. Students will not be permitted to leave the campus, once they come except when they are sick.
  • Annual fee, Admission and special fee are to be paid at the time of admission along with the first instalment of tuition fee. Continued loss of attendance for 15 days due to non payment of fees will result in the removal of the student from the rolls. Such students will be re-admitted after collecting fresh admission fees. Fees should be paid at the school during the office hours.
  • Term I - on or before 30th June, Term II - on or before 30th Sep. Term III - on or before 30th Dec. Bus fare - on or before 5th of each month. NB: A fine of Rs. 25/- will be charged for each months delay. fine is applicable for both TF & BF.

  • Transfer certificate at request will not be issued unless the entire fee for the particular academic year is paid.
  • Application for all kinds of certificates shall reach the school office of least 5 days prior to the requirement.

  • Prayers must be said in respect and devotion.
  • Discipline is an integral part of the learning process.
  • Every pupil must have a copy of the school diary with him/her and must bring to school every day.
  • The school uniform is compulsory on all school days. Students are to come in neat and tidy uniform
  • Pupils should be punctual for assembly. Late comers and absentees should bring the late attendance and absence record signed by their parents /guardians.
  • Leave of absence will be granted only on written application from the parents/guardian. In case of long illness, medical certificate and fitness certificate will have to be produced.
  • Only English should be spoken in the vidyalaya campus.
  • All are expected to be present in the school before the first bell..
  • Playing in the class is strictly forbidden
  • While moving from class to class, if necessary, pupils should move silently in line.
  • No pupil should enter the class after the lessons has begun nor should leave the class without the permission of the teachers. While moving from class to class, if necessary, pupils should move silently in line. No pupil is allowed to leave the campus during school hours without the permission of the Principal. No books (other than school books), news papers or periodicals should be brought to school without the knowledge of the Principal. No electronic item should be brought to the school and if it is found it will be confiscated and will not be given back.

  • Every student should behave respectfully towards all the staff members.
  • Pupils must behave well at all times both inside and outside the school. No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises.
  • Students are not allowed to write or scribble on the walls or dirty the class rooms or damage any material. Parent/guardian will have to compensate for wilful damage done to school property.
  • Students are to render salutations(Hari Om)when they meet the teachers and their classmates for the first time every day, whether in class or outside.
  • All books should be covered with brown papers and should be labelled.
  • Students should neither borrow nor lend money nor exchange their articles.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not allowed to bring valuables ( like watches, gold ornaments) to school.
  • No student will be sent home without the written request of the parent/guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to go home for lunch. All students should bring their lunch by themselves on the class days.
  • All correspondence addressed to pupil are subject to inspection.
  • All students are expected to participate in the activities of the school, develop healthy and competitive team spirit, acquire qualities of leadership and learn to serve others.
  • Irregular attendance , frequent failures in submitting class exercises , habitual want of discipline or any sort of serious misbehaviour are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student.

Students who comes in the school bus should follow the following instructions.

  • At the bus stop , they must get into bus in an orderly manner.
  • They should not put their hands or head outside.
  • They should be well disciplined , good mannered and should not use any indecent words.
  • They should wait at the bus stop after getting off and should cross the road with proper attention.
  • Any damage made to the school bus will be fined.

  • All pupils and members of staff are members of the staff are members of the library.
  • Pupils are allowed to borrow only one book at a time and retain it for a period of one week. If needed , the librarian may call for book borrowed by any member even before the expiry or the normal period of a week.
  • Reference books cannot be taken out of library.
  • If the book borrowed is not returned to the library by due date, a fine of Rs 1/- per day will be charged.
  • Borrowers shall not pass on the books to others.
  • Books borrowed shall be kept neatly. No marking, underlining or damage to the book is allowed.
  • Books , that are lost, damaged or wrongly handled will have to be paid for or replced.. the decision of Principal in thr matter will be final.
  • Library books will be issued from the 15th of June. All books borrowed should be returned to the library by 28th February every year to facilitate annual stock verification. There will be no issue of books during the summer vacation.
  • Strict silence should be observed in the library.

  • Refinement of manners, habits of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all times.
  • During working hours, order and silence are to be kept while around the premises. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed
  • No books other than school books may be brought to the school without the previous sanction of the Principal. This applies to radio, transistors, pocket computer, videos, C.D., Pen Drive, Mobile.
  • Previous sanction of the Principal is needed for any organized school activity.
  • No pupil shall leave his/her class room during working hours without the permission of teachers.
  • No pupil shall leave his/her class room during working hours school hours including the recess without the permission of the Principal.
  • Pupils are not supposed to loiter on the verandahs during class hours. Whenever they have to move to the library, laboratory etc... they should do so in an orderly manner, not disturbing the neighbouring classes.
  • Students should see that no damage is done to school property. They should not write on or disfigure the walls, furniture and library books. Any damage caused through inadvertence or otherwise should be brought to the notice of the Principal. Those who cause damage will be liable to repair the same at their own expenses.
  • Inattentiveness, indifference to study, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any act which affects the discipline and tone of the school will be seriously viewed and in extreme cases they are sufficient reasons for dismissal from school. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt for authority, wilful damage to school property, malpractice in examinations etc.. are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing cell phones and two wheelers other than bicycles to the School Campus.
  • Objectionable behaviour even outside school will make them liable to face disciplinary action.
  • Communication in English in the Campus must be adhered by every student.
  • Uniform should be stitched as per the school uniform dress code. Fanciful style or modifications are not allowed in haircut and uniform

Co operation of Parents
  • Parents and guardians are expected to co operate with the vidyalaya authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline , help their children to prepare their lessons and study well.
  • All the efforts made by the teachers with regard to pupil’s improvement can bear fruit only with the co operation and support of the parents.
  • Parents should ensure that :
  • a)Children attend school in the prescribed uniform and with the required materials,

  • Children get enough time at home for preparing their lessons and doing their assignments,
  • They get some time to talk with their parents
  • Fees is paid as per schedule.
  • Private tuitions are discouraged.
  • Parents are requested to cooperate with the teachers. They are recommended to contact the teachers concerned occassionaly, with the prior permission of the principal. Parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms or staff rooms to mmet the teachers. Teachers will not entertain any parents while they are engaged intheir duties.
  • Parents requested not to compare a child with another as the students are of diiferent backgrounds, abilities and interests.
  • It is quite natural that at times children may take complaints to their parents concerning school matters. Parents have to bring such cases to the notice of the principal and the class teacher before coming to any hasty conclusions.
  • It is upto the parents to bring to the attention of the principal and the teachers if their children have bad habits of traits of socially unacceptable character or any other matters that need special care and attention.
  • Parents are requested to check diary and SMS on all working days.
  • Parents should check school bag regularly to see any material that are not of your ward. If it is found report to the principal immediately.
  • All payments should be made in the office and receipts should be obtained retained by the parents. No accounts will be settled unless receipts are produced.
  • If the children are to be taken home after the class with the persons other than their parents or guardians, identity card should be produced along with an authorization letter.
  • Change of pick up points will not be entertained without a written permission from the Principal
  • Parents are requested not to send any non vegetarian food for luch.

Principal 22360-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-37940
Vice Principal 21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140
P G T Grade Teachers 19240-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-34500
T G T Grade Teachers 14620-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-25280
P R T Grade Teachers 11620-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-20240
Librarian,Art-Craft ,Music Teachers 9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400-15780